I wanted to take a moment to say Thanks to all those wonderful insightful people who donated to the Kickstarter Campaign. Unfortunately it didn't get all the donations it needed to become a successful campaign. Even after the campaign ended, people are still sending in funds via paypal to help get the next phase of the film made. Granted, what amount you decide to donate will be responded to with the specific pledge it was accompanied with. So if you still give $25 you'll have the digital download in HD of the full film. For $45 you'll have the DVD and digital download. And onward. If you need to check out what the levels were. Please feel free
Since so many of you have been gracious enough to help like this, I do have special gifts I wish you to have, but i'll let them be a gift and not tell you about them. ;-)
Just click the box to be taken to the Paypal site. You don't have to sign up for their service to use it.
It will ask you what email to send the funds to. Put in jeffrey@jeffreycollins.us and it will be good.
Thank you all for the support. Jeffrey